Sunday, September 30, 2012

Furr Con Day 3

Okay people its day 3 this con is just the coolest thing I have ever done it people selling their talents...speaking of people I went and stopped back by Gideon's both and picked up my Fur Con person and she looks absolutely beautiful and on top of that I also meet Dark Natasha another one of my favorite artiest.

There was also a peraide of furriers and it was great, after that my friend Dragon decided that since I was at a fur con then I should dress like one...well kind of so he bought me a pink and purple Cheshire cat tail and matching cuffs and that's what I wore to the Furry Night Club.

Meet so many people and made so many friends that "Modeling in the Rain " yours turly Vorel Kethend was asked to come back next year so I have to get my fur suit ready so your favortie model gets to be silly and dress up as a cat =^^=

Sorry there are not a lot of pictures was having problems with the camera but good friends of mine will be sending me more as soon as he can =^^=

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