Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Winter Holiday Party

So it is December and its that time again the best Christmas party ever The RAIn Winter Holiday Party this year they where also joined by an up coming Fur-convention Furvana.

It was out of control!!!!! 

We had a dance off

Gram cracker house building and of course Ice Skating Furries (Sorry I don't have any images of the Ice Skating)

This was one of the Gramm cracker houses done by the second place winner my little girl YAY!!!

The only part of the dance I have is my small and some of the furries goofing around lol it was very cute if you as me. (Sorry it doesn't work but here a link you can see what I was talking about )

We also had an ugly sweater contest, I do have to say some of the sweaters where not ugly but there where some creepy (you can tell the creepy one right away lol)

And of course we had our group photo...sorry for the way it looks I am still getting the hang of my new phone

Here is an image of one of the people I am great friends with, she is like another sister to me and she is also one of the officers of Furvana, and some random fluffies being

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Well that's all for today I hope you all have a great and safe holiday season and I will see you all later.... Oh and here is your song of the day

Sunday, November 19, 2017

FurBall Strike 29

Hello my viewers

Sorry I have not been posting as much as I use too, Life and school has made my ability to travel almost not possible.

But yesterday was my favorite time of the year.

When Fur balls Strike 29

Yes, you heard me right Fur balls Strike 29 a time where fursuiters, closet furies, people who like to draw, write etc. anything that evolves furies get together and have fun bowling, networking and participating in a raffle of awesome prizes.

Hear are some pictures of the amazing event

My daughter and our Friend Glacier

All of these where done with my panoramic(second time using it)

Well Ladies and Gents, Cats and Dogs, Equines and Bovines, Carnivore's and Omnivore's

That's all for now and I hope you all have a wonderful Day 
Also keep an eye out for My post on the Furry Christmas Party
And now here is your song of the day

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Happy Birthday Eiko Ishioka

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters in 1985,Closet Land in 1991, Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992,The Cell in 2000,The Fall in 2006, Theresa: The Body of Christ in 2007,Immortals in 2011 and Mirror Mirror in 2012.
Mishima.jpgCloset land.jpgDracpos.jpgThecellposter.jpgFall ver2.jpgTeresa, el cuerpo de Cristo (film poster).jpgSeveral soldiers fighting against a fiery background with the words "Immortals" and the date "11.11.11" in the foregroundMirror Mirror FilmPoster.jpeg

Now some of these movies you may know and some you may not but, they all have one thing in common

This woman Eiko Ishioka

What did she do? you might be asking well I will tell and show you she made these wonderful...beautiful...
Image result for bram stoker's draculaRelated imageRelated imageRelated image
Bram Stoker's Dracula
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The Cell
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Mirror Mirror


Eiko is another woman who inspired me to want to do fashion...and why I am I posting about here?

Well that's because today is her birthday and the best way I can honor her is to post this blog and show off her work and to remind people it is great minds like her that inspire us to be better then what others want us to be, "To stand out above the crowds."
(bonus points if you know the song/movie its from)

Happy Birthday Eiko you are my inspiration and I will always remember that you never stopped

I forgot to add this if you want more information on Eiko this one is about her here you can see all the work she has done and this was a blog that was re-blogged with more images of her wonderful work

Good-Night all you beautiful people

2020 Sucked!!!!

 Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been on here in a long time. But I have been dealing with real life things and still am but I thought I ...