Sunday, September 20, 2015

It's that time again!

Yes! boys and girls it is that time again

Rainfurrest 2015 is here again!

This year my daughter is going to be at the convention and this year is going to be a good one its my favorite theme Knights in shinning tinfoil, wizards and prince and princesses...I have the image of this years con shirt

 and I hope all my furry friends join in on the charity event The Bachelor auction they are looking for fur-suitor's to help out so puts your paws in and dance

I hope to see you all at the Con this year...look for me working in the Art Show

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Come one and all...All my Furry Friends

 This post is for my loving boyfriend isn't he the cutest fruit bat/ red panda/ leopard you have ever seen!!!!

Tenshi  is an artist on fur affinity and has just gotten out of the hospital and is ready to get back to work so being the greatest, wonderful, beautiful girlfriend that I am, I told him I would post a blog for him :)

So I did!!! (hee hee) and this link below are some adoptable's that he has up. If you like what you see let me know in the comments below and pick yourself up a new cutie

Have a nice day my Furry Fans =^-^=

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Highland Games

On June 6th I went to The Highland Games in Ferndale Washington, I know I took a lot of images this time

Oh but wait today your beauty has found out that she has Scottish in her bloodline and the two clans count them two clans!!! And they were both there that day and I learned a lot from them about apart of my family line... but anyway here are some more images

This is One of my family Clans

And this is the second clan

 I took some videos too because come on bag pipes and drums you can't just look at them you have to hear them and feel them become the other side of the world.

Well my people that is all for now keep looking for more posts from me as the summer months come and go ;)

2020 Sucked!!!!

 Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been on here in a long time. But I have been dealing with real life things and still am but I thought I ...