Thursday, December 27, 2012

DGRL Shoot

Sorry it took me so long lady’s and gentleman to get back to you been dealing with the holidays =^^=

But I did have one more shoot this year before Christmas and it was called Dapper Gents Ruffled Ladies IV hosted by Gloomy Sunday Productions. One of the many groups I work with and this shoot was a Steampunk werewolves shoot and it was a lot of fun.

All of these beautiful pictures where done by my good friend Kozmo...if you want to see more great shot stay tone for next time.....

But for now I leave you with the song of the day

Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's story Time!

Okay everyone I know I have not been on for some time now, that's because I have been working on getting my GED!, which I didn't get... :( BUT! there is always a way to get what you want right?!


Well anyway like the title say it's story time! I have been working on a story and I thought you guys would like to know that. To let you know I will be posting up the first chapter when I get it done with a little help from a friend of mine. =^^=

So keep your eyes peeled for the up date people...

For now it is that time!



Thought I for got huh? * evil laughter*

2020 Sucked!!!!

 Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been on here in a long time. But I have been dealing with real life things and still am but I thought I ...