So it is December and its that time again the best Christmas party ever The RAIn Winter Holiday Party this year they where also joined by an up coming Fur-convention Furvana.
It was out of control!!!!!
We had a dance off
Gram cracker house building and of course Ice Skating Furries (Sorry I don't have any images of the Ice Skating)
This was one of the Gramm cracker houses done by the second place winner my little girl YAY!!!
The only part of the dance I have is my small and some of the furries goofing around lol it was very cute if you as me. (Sorry it doesn't work but here a link you can see what I was talking about )
We also had an ugly sweater contest, I do have to say some of the sweaters where not ugly but there where some creepy (you can tell the creepy one right away lol)
And of course we had our group photo...sorry for the way it looks I am still getting the hang of my new phone
Here is an image of one of the people I am great friends with, she is like another sister to me and she is also one of the officers of Furvana, and some random fluffies being

Well that's all for today I hope you all have a great and safe holiday season and I will see you all later.... Oh and here is your song of the day