Thursday, December 27, 2012

DGRL Shoot

Sorry it took me so long lady’s and gentleman to get back to you been dealing with the holidays =^^=

But I did have one more shoot this year before Christmas and it was called Dapper Gents Ruffled Ladies IV hosted by Gloomy Sunday Productions. One of the many groups I work with and this shoot was a Steampunk werewolves shoot and it was a lot of fun.

All of these beautiful pictures where done by my good friend Kozmo...if you want to see more great shot stay tone for next time.....

But for now I leave you with the song of the day

Saturday, December 15, 2012

It's story Time!

Okay everyone I know I have not been on for some time now, that's because I have been working on getting my GED!, which I didn't get... :( BUT! there is always a way to get what you want right?!


Well anyway like the title say it's story time! I have been working on a story and I thought you guys would like to know that. To let you know I will be posting up the first chapter when I get it done with a little help from a friend of mine. =^^=

So keep your eyes peeled for the up date people...

For now it is that time!



Thought I for got huh? * evil laughter*

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Belladonnas 2012 part 2

Okay people this shoot was a personal favourite of mine because it was a pin up shoot and let me tell you people that the cars that we took pictures with where absolutely beautiful and here are the pictures to prove it.

Now I can't post names like have...why?...cause I don't have permission to do so... You know what I am about to say so brace your selves cause here comes the song of the day!

Belladonnas 2012 part 1

So much fun, so much talent... So many amazing individuals. Would like to add that I simply adore Bells Diner & Automotive Museum & YWCA for helping us create the images from today. If you haven't donated to the YWCA lately.. you most certainly should. They are the ones who provided these amazing dresses.

Here are the pictures of us getting ready for the shoot and we had so much fun sing oldies but goodies before the shoot.

Aright this is the beginning of the shoot when we are all having fun play around with the old pay phone and the cardbored cut out of Elvis before we get all serious and start working. By the way here is the song of the day for this shoot

2020 Sucked!!!!

 Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been on here in a long time. But I have been dealing with real life things and still am but I thought I ...