Sunday, July 29, 2012

New things are happening

Well let me start by saying I am sorry I haven't been keeping you guys updated I just got back into school and things have been a little crazy...

Umm, lets see photo shoot updates huh... "The Bone Kings Daughter" photo shoot we have been trying to find a time and date where we all can get together and finish up this story/ photo shoot...All of our schedules are kind of off so it is a little hard.

My next photo shoot is on August 12th at 12 in the afternoon don't know if its going to happen because people keep canceling but that's the way things go...This photo shoot is called "Preacher" after the comic book if you haven't read it look it up and read it, After that is The "Fea Realm" shoot it is on August 15th this one my daughter is going to be apart of it will be her first photo shoot with mommy =^.^=, On the 19th of August is the second annual "Fantasie II~ Honoring Burlesque" the first one was absolutely the funnest thing I had ever done and this time our friendly neighborhood Bastard will be joining me on this adventure of women's sexuality, power, and money.

 I will post more photo shoots tomorrow as I get them but for now I leave you with the song of the day =^.^= Meow! Woem!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Moooore pictures of me

Okay here are more picture's of me hope you like them =^^=.

Will post more tomorrow...see you then =^.^= for now here is the song of the day....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pictures of Me

Well I was going through all my stuff on my computer when I came across my earlier modeling pictures hope you guys like them.

All of these pictures where taken about a month or so after I had my daughter well let me know what you think and let me list off the people I have to thank for helping me come out my shell at this shoot...

A big thanks to (company to be added after getting permission) and a thank you to our MUA (name to be added after getting permission) and a thanks to the Photographers (names to be added after getting permission)...Yeah I know I should have asked before but I just found them tonight so I will ask them when I run into them again, until then here is your song for the night sleep tight and let the music carry you =^^=

Friday, July 6, 2012

Late posting for the 4th of July

Well lets see on the 4th of July it started out with...

Going over to my soon to be sisters house for stretches and going over the things I need to bring over to her house. While she was at work I finished up the things she asked me to. I had my friend to take me so I could get the propain (and propain (If you get where that is from you get mad Geek points)

And after that we started cooking and on top of that I had my daughter there as well because after that we where going to the firework display at Zuanich Point Park (If you live in Bellingham you know it is a cross from the Bell Weather Hotel) So after it was all said and done my brother, his girl (are friend from Yummy Bits and Jaded Shots), my friend That Bastered from Bellingham, myself and my daughter all left for the park.

Since we live pretty close it only took us like 10 min to get there...but the worst park of the hole thing was the finding parking and walking with a 2 year old to find a place to sit and watch the show, but finally after moving from spot to spot we finally settled down to watch the show.

The show was just as good as it was last year but it was the fact that I spent it with my friends and my daughter that made it special.

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY everyone sorry I don't have any pictures for you but here is the song of the day

2020 Sucked!!!!

 Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been on here in a long time. But I have been dealing with real life things and still am but I thought I ...