Now some of these movies you may know and some you may not but, they all have one thing in common
This woman Eiko Ishioka

What did she do? you might be asking well I will tell and show you she made these wonderful...beautiful...

Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Cell


Mirror Mirror
Eiko is another woman who inspired me to want to do fashion...and why I am I posting about here?
Well that's because today is her birthday and the best way I can honor her is to post this blog and show off her work and to remind people it is great minds like her that inspire us to be better then what others want us to be, "To stand out above the crowds."
(bonus points if you know the song/movie its from)
Happy Birthday Eiko you are my inspiration and I will always remember that you never stopped
I forgot to add this if you want more information on Eiko
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiko_Ishioka this one is about her
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0411130/ here you can see all the work she has done
http://fuckyeaheikoishioka.tumblr.com/ and this was a blog that was re-blogged with more images of her wonderful work
Good-Night all you beautiful people