Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Well everyone tomorrow is Mother's Day!

In the United States it is an annual holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Mother's Day recognizes mothers, motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well the positive contributions that they make to society. Although many Mother's Day celebrations world-wide have quite different origins and traditions, most have now been influenced by the more recent American tradition established by Anna Jarvis, who celebrated it for the first time in 1907, then campaigned to make it an official holiday. Previous attempts at establishing Mother's Day in the United States sought to promote peace by means of honoring mothers who had lost or were at risk of losing their sons to war.

So get off you butts go out and get your mother some wild flowers, chocolate, make her breakfast in bed or just go out and get some things from your local goodwill or dollar store and make her something yourself (mom's always like homemade stuff)...or if your mother has passed on and is no longer with you do the next best thing and go make her grave stone the prettiest one out there. Also if you live far away from the woman who raised you, give her a call and just say "Happy Mother's Day" we still love hearing from our children.

So from one mother to the world


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